Manojder Adbhut Bari

6.70 117 minutes
A young boy Manoj, who lives among the chaos and weirdness of his joint family, where the musician uncle feels suicidal after singing a wrong music note and a teacher who won't remember his education if he sits straight. Then there is the great-grandmother who is wreaking havoc around the house. Set in a small town in West Bengal, the story takes an interesting turn when Manoj's cow runs away and at the same time there is a group of vicious dacoits who are planning to rob the King. How things fall back into place is a story filled with drama and action and lots of laughter.


Dva barančeky

1958 Movies

Snow Day

2000 Movies

Cinnamon the Movie

2007 Movies

Despicable Me

2010 Movies

Prince Bayaya

1951 Movies

When Mom Is Away

2019 Movies

Modalità aereo

2019 Movies



2020 Movies

China Cry

1990 Movies

Off the Map

2013 Movies

The Kung Fu Kid

1977 Movies

Pathala Bhairavi

1951 Movies

Sleep Furiously

2008 Movies